Saturday, February 26, 2011

Two Jewds in Noto

... Speaking of the fascisti
Last weekend I boarded an autobus to Noto, and the driver was kind enough to take me to Noto. As I was walking from the station, I passed a open doorway with a sign that said it was a typographic museo- and I peeked in.
One thing about ITaly.... there's no such thing as window shopping. If you pause in front of a storefront, if you eyeball a vegetable, you are inviting a purchase... the proprietor will approach you and ask you what you want. He will explain that his sardines are the best, they are far superior to the sardines down the street and you want some. Even if you do not eat sardines, he will assure you that you do, or that the only reason you don't is because you haven't eaten his sardines.
Anyway I was ushered inside this museo by three animated scholars who asked me my name and where I was from.
"You are Judishe! Jewd!" exclaimed one
This was not the first time my name has solicited this reaction- so I'm a little less alarmed than I was the first time.
"Yes, si- I am a Jewd," I told him.
"But I am very happy! Happy to see you! I am a jewd!"
He was, in fact, not a jewd because only his father is Jewdishe... but he considers himself Jew and "sono Communismo!" Allora, I said, if he goes to New York he will meet many who so identify.
In any case, they gave me a discount on the bigletto (2 Euro) and showed me around the book/magazine museo. There were newspapers dating back to the risorgimento, and a dictionary of the sicilian dialect and a 17th century Spanish/Italian dictionary printed by a medici ("there are only two!," the museo's curator exclaimed) Nothing was under glass.
I confess I find myself drawn to the fascist era publications. The aesthetics of fascism tend to be pretty cheesy (see kanan makiya's book about fascist kitch in Iraq) - but the futurists (or most of them) supported the fascists in Italy (they were all interested in creating "a nuovo mondo" si?) And so, in Italy, fascism had a genuine artistic movement attached to it- and fascism is all about the spectacle, the uniforms, the crowd. The futurists were truly innovative painters, sculptors (I'm not crazy about their architecture) but they definitely made strides in typography, graphics, print publishing - anything that involved technology. Most of their publications are dated "Anno XV, or anno XVI because they're dating everything from 1920, when the fascists took power and reset the clock. So here are some pictures I took of some of the magazines and books at the Noto museo.
and yes, "sono Jewdiche" and mi piace the fascisti fonts.

Water sports in Ortigia, the Arab spring and fear of an arab planet. I wash my socks

Allora, I don't know what this sport is called- was on my way to the lavanderia to wash the dirty socks I'd been dragging around sicily for a month- and there, between the two pontes that connect Ortygia to Siracusa- this was going on. It appears to be a cross between kayaking, basketball and water-polo. Whatever it is, I want in- it looks like a lot of fun and a good way to work off the copious amounts of racotta and gelato I've been stuffing down my throat.
I made it to the lavaderia- and was trying to explain in my impeccable ITalian that I was going to do my own laundry and wanted to dry it in a machine... and the owner looked at me and said "Hon, you can just speak English to me." She's from Virginia and she runs the laundry with- I'm guessing it's her husband or boyfriend, David. IT's an excellent laundry- they do it for you- it costs the same. and then they fold it and pack it in neatly in a bag with your name on it and they taped my change to the bag. And she will keep my detergent at the laundry with my name on it! Bravo.
Well, me and my clean socks are at some internet cafe/bookstore in Ortygia. The internet isn't working in my building and I'm convinced Khaddafi is scrambling it, because at one point yesterday it was coming out in arabic. E possibile. And I'm not the only one anxiously weaving apocalyptic scenarios about N. Africa. All of Sicily is gripped by fear of an Arab planet. Last night I was watching Italian television, a program called "L'ultima parola" (the last word) and they had the population of LAmpedusa standing out in the rain and cold at night screaming questions at the guests- a bunch of politicians and ministers who were sitting in a warm television studio in Roma. You didn't have to speak ITalian, and I don't, to get the gist- the Lampedusans are furious because the African migrants are generally brought there first. One reasonable journalist was trying to explain that ITaly was a great nation, a prosperous nation, and surely it could absorb a few thousand migrants. I thought the LAmpedusans- and the other guests ( a minister of finance in particular) were going to demand his head and eyeballs on a platter. (Siracuse's saint, Lucia, is depicted with her eyeballs on a plate... look for more about that in a future, yet to be written "guide to the saints" blog entry).
So the Sicilians and much of the rest of ITaly are watching developments across the water with alarm and concern. And I am upset because I can't get the internet to find out whether Tripoli has been liberated yet... we're all in a lather. But my hopes and prayers are with the Libyans. I fully support armed intervention on their behalf. Depose the Colonel. THere, I said it. lynch me.
The Arab spring and the opening of the Magreb might be VERY GOOD for ITaly and il sud. Marco d'Eramo, the Manifesto correspondent I met in Roma, told me that Sicily's problems and the econmic decline of the south is partly due to Europe turning it's back on Africa. I don't know if that's true, but surely trade and business with a free, democratic, and open African north could only benefit Sicily and the south... and in the meantime they can demand $ from the EU to provide for the migrants. But apparently that's already going on.
I met a Ramzi- a tunisian in Siracusa who is the head of student services at MCAS, the Meditteranean Center for Arts and Sciences, some American exchange student program here (I didn't even know about it until two days ago- it's pretty small) Ramzi believes it's all "a game" to get the EU to cough up money and jobs for Sicily.
who knows? I capito niente... but Ramzi promises to put me in touch with agencies and folks who advocate for the migrants and work with them. So I'll be able to tell you more later.
Until then, NApoli has a BIG football match against #1 Milano on Monday... Is extremely important! Napoli is #2 this year and is led by a living incarnation of Apollo in the person of Cavani- he scores all their goals. The hopes and dreams of all of southern Italy rest on his bony shoulders. And I am a big Naples fan- a "mastiff" as the squad's quasi-fascist fans call themselves. Crush Milan! Viva Napoli!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Dionisio- the tyrant of Syracuse, Damocles sword, the Orecchio, and lessons for today's aspiring tyrants/playwrights

Ah yes... given the events transpiring just a quick ferry, or dingy ride away in North Africa, I was going to reflect- somewhat ostentatiously- on the nature of tyranny. And where better than Siracusa (??!) where one of histories' first and most notorious military strongmen, Dionisio, ruled with an iron fist. We have many colorful stories about Dionisio ("the tyrant", as he was known) because his forty year rule over Siracusa and at least two thirds of the island of Sicily roughly corresponded to the golden age of Athens (end of the 5th, beginning of the 4th century b.c.e)- and to the Athenian mind, he came to represent all that was cruel, vicious and degrading about despotism. The Athenians were very proud- as I guess we all are- of their invention which was something like a direct democracy. You could participate if you were free, white, male and athenian. If you were conquered by Athens however and you survived, you were generally made a slave. Also the Athenian opinion of Dionisio may have been colored by his allegance with Sparta during the Peloponnesian (anyone on the spelling here) war.
So what do we know of Dionisio... well, he seems to have been the first Napoleon-style dictator. He was of low-birth. A number of biographies refer to him as having been a government clerk. I wasn't aware they had those, but I guess someone had to push the papyrus. He distinguished himself in a number of military campaigns against the Carthigenians, who occupied much of Siciliy at the time. He then convinced the governing senate or elders or aristocrats of Syracuse that his life was in danger and needed a personal guard- and so they provided him with a personal mercenary guard (first mistake) with which he subsequently made war on the city and, having annihilated his enemies, he appointed himself king. His forty year rule was characterized by almost continuous warfare both against other cities in Sicily and Carthagenians, Etruscans, Greeks, Roman, pretty much all comers. He displayed a tyrant's characteristic paranoia. He used both mercenaries and an internal security force to eavesdrop and rout out any opposition to his rule. He cruelly squashed dissent. He supposed had a golden bed and a bedroom that was surrounded by a moat (I've got to get one of those... although-actually, given the lack of demand, I could probably just leave the drawbridge down).
But there are signs that Dionisio was not entirely brutish and without redeeming qualities. He seems to have had a taste for irony and even intellectual pursuits... One uncle, named Dion, decided wanted to create a utopia in Syracuse and persuaded his nephew to invite Plato to the city to attempt to make Dionisio the Philosopher king he'd envisioned. And Plato came, but so disgusted was he by Dionisio's quick backslide into despotism- this time I think it involved marrying off one of his enemies' wives- that Plato quickly turned his back on the city. He returned to Greece and denounced the dissolute king
Perhaps the best known story involves one Damocles- some gadabout of the city, who declared that Dionisio was the happiest man in the world because he could have anything he wanted. Dionisio, hearing of this, invited Damocles to his palace and asked him if he wouldn't like to change places with him for a while and taste his life. Well, Damocles leapt at the opportunity and the tyrant gave orders that Damocles was to be treated as himself and then he secretly arranged that whatever he was doing- whether eating, drinking or laying in the tyrant's golden bed- a sharp sword should be suspended over Damocles head by a horsehair. Damocles spent the day too terrified to enjoy the food, the dancing, the sycophants- all the trappings of absolute power. In the evening, Dionisio returned and said "now you know what it's like to be a tyrant," and allowed the panicked man to return to his normal humdrum life. It's a good story- and hence "Damocles' sword."
But my favorite story about Dionisio involves his artistic pretensions and aspirations. The tyrant fashioned himself a playwright- drama was adored at the time, and playwriting was considered the most elevated and profound of the arts (oh how times have changed). But Dionisio, like so many kings with artistic pretentions, really sucked. None of his plays or poems have survived, so we have no way of knowing for sure, but SUPPOSEDLY his plays weren't just bad, they were awful. He entered them in several dramatic competitions and despite the fact that he could pretty much have anyone decapitated at the snap of a finger- he tolerated no dissent, his tragedies never won a prize. He couldn't even place. One Philoxenus was sent to the quarries for refusing to applaud the tyrant's poems. Some time later when he was again recieved at court, Philoxenus was pressed for his opinion of a new poem by Dionisio. Philoxenus looked at the king, hung his head and gestured to the attending officer/bodyguards with the words "back to the quarries!" And the story goes that on this occasion, the king appreciated his wit and did not imprison him. So maybe he wasn't all THAT bad.
At last in old age, Dionisio's tragedy "The Ransom of Hector" won first prize at one of the lesser Athenian festivals. Dionisio was so jubilant- he ordered a public holiday and provided food and wine for everyone in the city. A monumental feast was laid out before the successful dramatist and the tyrant banqueted long into the morning- his life-long ambition at last realized. But so intemperately did he binge, that at dawn he suffered a stroke and died. The city fell into the hands of his son, a tyrant who lacked his dad's iron will and ruthless cruelty. He didn't last long.
Now that's history- and a lesson to all you aspiring playwrights and artists out there.
Here is a photo of the Orecchio de Dionisio (ear of Dionysius) and the magnificent Greek amphitheater- huge even by todays standards- in the archeological park in Syracuse. They perform Greek tragedies here in the summer. I bet it's magnificent- and this fountain at the back of the amphitheater is still running. The acoustics are great. It costs 10 Euros to walk around the theater and 9 Euros to gain entrance to the theater and the nearby archeological Museo. Why is it more expensive to see one than both? Who knows? The guy at the bigletteria (ticket stand) told me it was "a promotion" and then "a Sicilian mystery."
Actually no one knows why or exactly when this large acoustical chamber was carved out of the quarry. It was Carravagio in exile in Sicily some 2,000 years later, who believed it was a prison the tyrant designed so he could eavesdrop on his enemies- a theory that reflects the painter's paranoia as much as the tyrant's. Another hypothesis- the one I like- is that Archimedes made this echo chamber- the master scientist/engineer/inventor and a Siracusean, to conduct acoustic experiments. Maybe. It's fun to go in there- it's very deep- and shout "allora" or your name or clap or stamp, and listen to the reverberations.

Freedom for Arab North Africa. And I share the secret recipe for cozze (mussels) de Noah

Okay- or "owe kayee" in Southern Italian... I know i know. I haven't been blogging. Stop your whinging. A lot has happened- the Author has been busy. I have rented an apartment in Ortigia, I am observing the scuola di Inglese in the hopes of make-a the work, I am planning to exhibit some pictures, Napoli beat Roma and Catania, I stumbled on a festa in Noto (Noto is molto buono), in another trip one of the AST bus drivers left me in the middle of nowhere a good mile from the beach fontane bianche, Max (the owner of the hostel where I was staying in Siracusa) asked me if I wanted some horse meat... oh what else... Oh yeah- the entire middle east/North Africa erupted in popular protest. Not that that's personally affected me, although I'm of the mind that it affects us all... and it certainly affects Sicily, since Tunisian refugees are desperately trying to make it here. THe ITalian government likes to put them on the Isole di Lampadusa, which is actually closer to Africa than Sicily- but the normal population of Lampadusa is about 5,000 and the refugee population has trebled that. THere is no more room on Lampadusa, which the locals say is actually a lovely place to visit and just a ferry ride away. So now the Tunisians are being sent to an American military base on Sicily that I've heard is quite close to Sircusa- which (get out your maps) is on the eastern side of the island and pretty far south. So I must investigate and get back to you on that. Interestingly, Max (who describes himself as fairly conservative politically)told me last week he'd heard that Quaddafi or Khaddafi (maybe those are two of the 20 billion ways you can spell his name) was actually aiding the Tunisian refugees- encouraging them, and maybe giving them money and supplies to make the journey. Seemed a little conspiratorial to me. But Max may have been onto something. The European leaders are meeting in Brussels today and are they discussing ways to promote nascent democracy in arab states? No, of course not. First on their agenda is dealing with the refugee crisis- because god forbid the French speaking north africans make it to Italy or France or Brussels or Germany and try to earn a living. Apparently, as part of the 2007 rapprochment between Great Britain and Khaddafi- and later America and Khaddafi (which, of course, primarily had to do with western oil companies wanted to go into joint ventures with the state owned oil company) Khaddafi agreed to use his extensive security apparatus to round up migrants attempting to make the crossing to Europe... and now that the Western "powers" are guiltily and very slowly condemning the brutal crackdown on peaceful protestors in Libya, Khaddafi has threatened to lift the cordon and encourage his disgruntled countrymen to head north. So fear of waves of arab refugees is now gripping Europe. But Sicily is destination #1 so the island is "watching developments closely" and Burlesconi (taking a break from getting indicted for hanging out with underaged prostitutes) was here last week inspecting immigrant detention centers on the island and marshalling the coast guard...
Allora, and meanwhile I successfully made cozze (mussels). They aren't hard to make and they're delicious and cheap. But you will spend more time sorting and cleaning the mussels than you will cooking and eating them. Now I will tell you the recipe for cozze di-Noah. You will sort and clean the mussels. You must cut of their beards and scrape off barnacles. If they are open- you can tap tap and see if they close. If they do not close, you do not eat- the very opposite is true after you cook-a the cozze because then- if they do not open, you do not eat. Got it?
Oh-kaye you put the olive oil in the bottom and you cook'a the garlic, pommedoro, some parsley (prezzemolo) maybe some shallots or onions- and you saute. Then you pour in the white wine- here you can buy in plastic liter bottles the homemade vino bianche. Very cheap. So use liberally. And you bring to boil. Then you put in the sorted and cleaned mussels and cover. But you do not cook'a for too long- maybe 3, 4 minutes and you can stir them maybe once. Oh-kaye- now you look'a, the cozze are open, you are almost done. You scoop out'a the cozze into the bowl... and here's the secret weapon: you gow-a to the store and buy panna di cuccina (but you have already done this by this time). Is like cream- in fact, it may be heavy cream. I don't know. What I DO know- is that if you whisk-a the panna di cuccina into the sauce at the bottom of the pan- you have a very delicious and thicker broth which you can put onto the mussels. And you can also save this stock to eat with the pasta. Is very good! Is sooo good that I ate two servings of cozze, and one serving of tortellini in one sitting and went to bed with a big tummy ache. It is oh-kaye though, because I hear there is a gym in Ortigia and also the farmacia sells something called "Bio-trap" which can help-a make a regular the stomaco.
Here we have the pic of the cozze. We also have a pic of the Festivi in Noto for the "padrone" of the city San Corrado (I think that's him in the coffin) for pics of developments in N. Africa... I guess you can go to the BBC World Service.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

more pictures at...

Ok, having quickly maxed out the space on flickr, I am now posting Sicily pictures on Picasa. The address is:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Siracusa- where our hero makes a stand

Oh I have been a very irresponsible blogger- its been almost a week since my last post. Where to begin? "I cant go on- I'll go on"- Beckett (and me most mornings)
Well my watch broke shortly after I arrived in Siracusa on Friday. And in this land of omens, superstitions (MALEocchio=the evil eye) and oracles, I took it as a sign. I'd arrived and time had stopped. Either I was going to die here, or live here...
The rents are very low- I'm afraid to mention precisely HOW low for fear of sparking a massive counter emigration from New York back to Sicily... so I won't. However, I have spent the past two days looking at apartments in Ortygia, the beautiful old section of Siracusa. I am looking to rent (affittasi) per un brevi period... one or two months. One of the curiousities about Sicily- I don't know if it's true in the rest of Italy- the Sicilians don't like to live in the gorgeous old neighborhoods in their ancient cities. They like new- new apartments, new furniture, new fixtures, new appliances and especially new cars and motos. There are legitimate concerns with some of these buildings which are centuries old- but for the most part, they're fine. I've spoke to people who live in Ortygia- people live there, it's nice. But in Palermo the neighborhoods are rigidly defined by class (I've heard) and only the untouchables live in the old city.
Ortygia is a little dew drop of land, almost an island, that hangs off the bay. It's surrounded by the Ionian sea. The mare is translucent green/blue and Ortygia is almost heartbreakingly beautiful. THe buildings are constructed of this very chalky white limestone. The Duomo here was actually constructed around the ruins of an ancient greek temple- The piazzas glow in the dark- and the baroque buildings along the narrow streets, the tiles, at times it looks like frosting on a cake... difficult to describe the sensation of walking around in this weird abandoned crystal palace on a monday or tuesday evening in the off season, when there's almost no one around.
Anyway, this blog needs to catch up. I will post every day from now on. Next up, Dionisio- the tyrant of Siracusa- an aspiring playwright, not content to subjegate the population he subjected them to his abysmal plays.
I should mention that I'm trying to post more pictures on a flickr page that you can go to. It should be the flickr url - whatever that is... and then /noahonthego so go there to see more of beautiful Sicilia/2011!