Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hostel of the Sun in Napoli


In Naples, I stayed at Hostel of the Sun on Via Melisurgo right next to the port. A single room with not one BUT TWO balconies was 25 Euros a night! Plus breakfast and a huge library of DVDs to take back and watch in your room, or the communal area. It's like being back in college but better. The folks who work there- this is Carla and Harriet- are terrific, cheery and really helpful. I hardly had to open my mouth or approach the desk and Carla would say "Dicemi Noah," (Tell me) "I already know your problema." (But how? When I have so many.) It was true- they knew where to eat, how to get there, what to see and why it would be no problem. They were also great company- Carla has been at Hostel of the Sun for EIGHT years. Whoa! She said "don't get-ah married," and "you look a little a gayh eh in-a this eh picture." Harriet is from England but she's been living in Naples and her Italian is exceptional- not just fluent, flawless. From the moment she described something as "cheap as chips, as they say back in England," well I was all hers. Marco- Mark, behind the bar there is from Portland, OR. a place near and dear to my heart. He'd arrived at the hostel four or five months ago, loved it, and just stayed. He manned the bar at the nightly happy hour from 7pm- on. He just landed a job teaching English two days ago so he is celebrating. Congratulations and good luck (buona fortuna) Mark! He's not leaving anytime soon.
All in all, the folks at Hostel of the Sun (or HOTS) raise the Hostel experience to the next level. It's easy to see why the place is so busy, even in the off season. The put me in a nice room and a great mood... if you go to Naples, go there. I'll be back, I hope.


  1. Tried to email you but alas the email keeps bouncing back to me! mattierock19@hotmail.com is my email my friend. Hope your safe and sound in Sicily!

  2. P.S. We loved having you here at the hostel! Hope to see you again soon.
