Sunday, January 30, 2011

Noah on the Moto

In this picture I succeed in simultaneously fulfilling mi Mama's wish and expressly ignoring her instructions-
She asked me to post some pictures of myself- here is one, and she strictly forbade me from getting on il moto- the scooter. Bravo!
There is an explanation Mama mia! I wanted to go to Erice- which is about 5, 10 miles up a hill over Trapani- but the funicular is chioso (closed) per servizio and the autobus is closed per festivi (Sunday?) so, allora, I am out of luck and I walk back to the ostello with my head hung low.
But when I get back the beautiful Antonella at the office/desk- she cannot bear to see me unhappy- so she phone someone and then- I find myself renting il moto for the day. I drove it up the winding road to Erice where there were spectacular views of Trapani (that's it in the background) and the Isole d'Egadi, the Islands and the ocean, and I saw the norman castello and the village which has changed little in 800 years- and I also left my offering for Aphrodite at the site of one of the most important shrines in the ancient world. So I'll put some of those pics up on my next post. It's OK MAMA mia- it was Sunday, Dominica, so there was no traffic and the road was all but empty. I live another day.


  1. Excellent! Let's see some pictures of these legendary Ericessi...

  2. hey you look so HAPPY that is all that matters!

  3. i also love the italian english language you use
    makes me feel like I AM a tourist in Italy too
    Please write in this mixed italinglish MORE

  4. i have some cool pictures
    you must c
    yuval caspi
    your israeli artist friend

  5. I hate to add to Judith's pain, look mucho el hotto on el moto.
